Hair Transplant

What are the main causes of hair loss in men?

 31 Aug 2023

When you look in the mirror, you are not the only one who notices that your hairline is vanishing. Men who are 50 or older who have hair loss show indications to a greater extent. By the age of 70, it affects 4 out of 5 men. Why? Usually, you can pin it on your ancestry, but there are a number of other explanations by hair transplant specialists as well.


The genes you inherit from your parents are what causes male pattern baldness, also known as androgenetic alopecia. It is unclear how exactly it is inherited, but it does seem to run in families. Therefore, you are more prone to develop baldness if you have close family members who do.

Medical experts do not fully understand why the majority of men experience the same pattern of progressive balding or why some hormonal changes cause hair follicles to shrink. The hairline above your head and temples, however, typically things first. Depending on your family's medical history, you may start experiencing male pattern baldness in your teens. Your hair may also get softer, finer, and shorter in addition to becoming thinner. Learn more about the things you may take to help prevent going bald if you spot the warning signs in time.

Medical Issues

Hair loss that is only temporary may be a sign of a health problem, such as thyroid or anemia. A diet deficient in protein and iron can also cause hair thinning. You are more likely to experience hair loss if you have diabetes or lupus.

Heart conditions

Hair loss from chemotherapy or radiation therapy may be severe, but in most cases, after the treatments are over, your hair will regrow.

Stress or Shock

A sudden or significant weight loss, intense physical or emotional stress, surgery, or even a fever and the illness might result in hair loss that could last for several months.


The scalp can develop scaly patches and bald spots as a result of infections like ringworm. Following treatment, hair usually grows back.

Your Immune System

If you experience sudden hair loss that results in circular, quarter-sized bald spots all over your head, you may have alopecia areata, a genetic disorder. It frequently begins early in life. You are more likely to have it if a close relative has it.

The immune system of your body targets the hair follicles, causing little patches of hair to begin to emerge. It is not contagious and there is no discomfort or illness connected. Your hair may come back, but it also can start to fall out once more.

Disorder of Impulse Control

Trichotillomania is a chronic disorder where some people have the impulse to pluck out their own hair from their scalp, brows, or elsewhere. 1-2% of adults and teenagers might be impacted.


When the hair close to the scalp is pulled hard while sporting a ponytail, braids, or cornrows, traction alopecia, also known as transitory hair loss, can happen. Additionally, hot oil treatments and perms both risk damaging your hair follicles.


A tried-and-true surgical procedure for treating baldness is hair transplantation. All you need to do to get lasting effects is pick the right clinic. Pick clinics that use cutting-edge technologies for FUE, and laser procedures. Check out the surgeon's track record, accolades, reviews, and other credentials. The best hair transplant surgeons in Bandra work for DNCC, one of the best hair transplant clinics in Bandra. At the DNCC clinic, we have a team of experts in PRP treatments and hair transplants. For all hair transplant procedures and the treatment of different hair diseases, our clinic has been named one of the best in the nation.

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