Hair Transplant

Things to Avoid After a Hair Transplant Procedure

 28 Aug 2023

It is common for newly transplanted hair to shed after five to seven weeks. New hair grows in over time, following the same cycle as the rest of your hair. This means you can keep your newly transplanted hair for many years. During your consultation, Dr. Nishita will determine whether you are a good candidate for a hair transplant. She considers your age, family history, scalp condition, and kind of hair loss. Dr. Nishita, one of the best hair transplant surgeons, may recommend another form of hair restoration if a transplant isn't right for you.

Here are some of the hair transplant recovery tips:

Avoid Sleeping on your Stomach

Although hair transplantation is a minor surgery, it is nonetheless considered surgical. Swelling surrounding the operative area is typical, just as it is with previous procedures. As a result, for the first week following surgery, it is advised that you sleep with your head slightly elevated at a 45-degree angle. This sleeping position reduces edema and hastens the repair of transplanted hair. Try not to sleep on your stomach or side, and keep your new hairline away from the pillow.

Hair washing should be avoided

Hair washing is strictly prohibited for the first 48 hours following your hair transplant treatment. On the third day, wash your hair lightly. Use a mild shampoo and avoid squeezing it on your scalp. Instead, use your hands to gently massage a cup of shampoo into your scalp.

Avoid Using Hair Styling Products

Hair transplant procedures are harmed by harsh chemicals used in styling products. Before using a dye or other styling product, wait at least 4 weeks. The transplanted follicles are susceptible for several weeks following transplantation, so give them all the attention they require.

Avoid De-Hydration

We can't imagine life without water. However, staying hydrated is just as critical after a hair transplant. When the body is properly hydrated, it not only feels more comfortable, but it also recovers faster. Drinking 10% more water than usual for a few weeks after surgery will significantly reduce your overall hair transplant recovery time. There are many mobile apps that can remind you to drink water. The color of your pee is the best indicator of whether or not you're drinking enough water. The color of the urine must range from translucent to extremely pale yellow.

Avoid direct exposure to cold and sunlight on the scalp

They recommend keeping yourself hydrated and not putting ice directly on the parts of your scalp that got hair transplants. In the initial three days, try not to touch the treated area. If you need to, you can gently touch your scalp after 72 hours. Instead of rubbing a swollen scalp, use conditioner. Avoid the strong sun from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the first two weeks after your hair transplant.

Avoid exertion and sweating

During the first seven days following therapy, avoid intense activities such as swimming or weight lifting. When you're doing activities that make you sweat, like exercising or being in a hot room, it can affect your scalp. It's a good idea to avoid places with a lot of steam or heat, like steam rooms and saunas. Try not to do things that make you sweat and try to keep your heart rate and blood pressure in a normal, safe range for the next seven days. After that, you can start going for walks, doing yoga, or meditating. Just remember, for the next week, avoid activities that make you sweat a lot and try to keep your heart rate and blood pressure in check. Once that week is over, you can enjoy activities like walking, practicing yoga, or meditating.

Avoid smoking and drinking

Alcohol should be avoided for the first five days after treatment because it is a known dehydrator. As a result, drinking alcohol increases recovery time, and discomfort, raises blood pressure to dangerous levels, and reduces blood supply and crucial nutrients to your brain. Furthermore, for a month following your therapy, avoid smoking, nicotine e-liquids, nicotine gum, or nicotine patches. All of them boost blood pressure. It is understood, however, that these behaviours cannot be abandoned the day after surgery. As a result, it is recommended that you begin reducing your consumption of alcohol and smoking while arranging for a hair transplant so that you can continue doing so after the treatment.

Here you have it, follow these hair transplant dos and don'ts that you should keep in mind to get maximum results. We at DNCC are not only your doctors but also your guides. We are with you from the moment you meet with us until you receive satisfying outcomes. Call us at (+91) 741 496 9509 today.

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